You always wanted to do?
Dear ambitious! Wasn`t there this one thing you always wanted to do? The right time is now. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Little resources?
Dear ambitious, so many challenges, problems, insufficiencies, and so little resources? We do not believe it. Look at the talents people have. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
True authentic ambition
Dear ambitious, How can executives of established companies transform their business? If this is their true authentic ambition, it`s easy, others will follow. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Interview für SPIEGEL ONLINE
SPIEGEL ONLINE hat Dorothea Assig und Dorothee Echter als Doppelstpitze zu ihrer Einschätzung zum Ende der Zusammenarbeit von Jennifer Morgan und Christian Klein interviewt.
Achtung Spoiler: Wer etwas Neues wagt, geht damit auch das Risiko ein, dass es schief gehen kann. Das ist doch völlig normal!
Agile, digital, transforming companies
Dear ambitious! Do agile, digital, transforming companies need new skills and talents to be developed? No. They need undisturbed ambition and the perfect positions for ambitious people. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Auch Lösungen wachsen exponentiell.
Klugheit kennt keine Panik. Und auch keine Horrorszenarien. Sie sind Krisen gewohnt, Sie haben Krisen gemanagt. Das ist Ihr Topmanagement Modus. Jetzt, in dieser Ausnahmesituation, wird alles gebraucht, was Sie können, was Sie an Talent, Wissen und Lebenserfahrung besitzen. Das hat Sie zu der Person gemacht, die Sie heute sind. Sie können Großes in der
Dear Ambitious, in this memorable spring of 2020, solutions are growing exponentially, too. Goodbye micro-management, hello freedom for all ambitious managers. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
the effortless power of top managers in a crisis
Dear Ambitous! This is the effortless power of top managers in a crisis: Be the model for change yourself. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Dear Ambitous! For top-managers, there is no quality you can measure as distinctly „better“ or „worse“. There is a purpose on earth for each top-manager to be the best. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Dear Ambitious! Forget leadership tools. Give orientation with your ambition. Win followers. Build warm relationships and a top management community. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Interview für ZEIT online
Für ZEIT ONLINE hat uns der Wirtschaftsjournalist Jakob von Lindern (geb. Struller) interviewt: Was tun, wenn einen Kollegen und Vorgesetzte plötzlich meiden? Wie kommt man durch eine Krise – und wann sollte man selbst kündigen? Direkt zum Interview:
Ambitious companies need ambitious personalities. They take away anything that withdraws ambition: Bonus systems, assessment centers, performance controls, rankings and evaluations.
Avoid distractions.
Dear Ambitious! A great career requires concentration and discipline. Avoid distractions. As research tells us, it is not possible to multi-task. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Change the world.
Dear Ambitious! A great career starts with an irresistable desire to change the world at one particular point. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Dear Ambitious! Train your ability to stay focussed. Your focus gives orientation to others, whether you are aware of it or not. The company will inevitably move into the direction of your focus. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
social media
Dear Ambitious! For top league executives, a social media network must be a tool for trustful, exclusive, confidential, personal communication, e.g. to stay in contact with each other after a conference or common holiday. We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
Resonance loops
Dear Ambitious! Inspiration, passion, spirit, confidence, optimism – it`s useless just to have it. It is powerful if there is resonance. Create resonance loops. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Every idea, every insight, every innovation is detected by a single person.
Dear ambitious! It is always a single person to make a difference. Every idea, every insight, every innovation is detected by a single person. By you. We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
Was Spitzenerfolge beflügelt.
Wir sind die größten Bewunderinnen von Dr. Doris Märtin. Sie hat mit HABITUS. Sind Sie bereit für den Sprung nach ganz oben? das maßgebliche Werk zum Thema geschrieben.
the psychological basic equipment to top managers
Dear ambitious! We all have our hidden CVs of failures. The awareness of futility is part of the psychological basic equipment to top managers.
allegiance and loyalty
Dear ambitious, as a top manager you win allegiance and loyalty if others sense what drives you. You need great words to name your ambition – congruent with what you decide. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Dear Ambitious! No top manager is replaceble. With your ambition, you are unique. Wa are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
Dear ambitious! The moment a very successful person is frustrated or depressed, she donates a large sum to a local charity. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Stay curious.
Dear Ambitious! Who belongs to your future top management community? Stay curious. Maybe you will meet them today. We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
success shock
Dear ambitious, Nobel prize winners may suffer a success shock. The other listed persons may feel deeply disappointed. Each needs psychic discipline. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Dear ambitious, your parents have always supported and encouraged you? Financed your education? Sponsored your first appartment? Let them know how grateful you are. Now. We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
Dorothea Assig und Dorothee Echter in TOP.TIROL
Die Suche nach einer neuen Topmanagement-Position ist ein Gefundenwerden-Prozess, von Ihnen inittiiert.
Topmanagerinnen und Topmanager sind immer auf Jobsuche – früher oder später sind sie entweder selbst auf dem Sprung zu Höherem oder sie werden freigestellt. Können Sie ahnen, wie es Ihnen ohne Job ginge? Nein, das können Sie nicht, auch wenn Sie noch so sehr glauben, sich selbst gut zu kennen. Auch wenn Sie selbst das
Top Management Performance
Dear Ambitious! An excellent performance in top management is a performance that is communicated excellently. Results of top managers cannot be measured. We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
Dear Ambitious! Being asked for feedback can give you nightmares. Just don`t do it. See the greatness of people, make compliments, encourage their ambition. We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
Der Kontrollwahn in Unternehmen kann leicht abgeschafft werden!
Was als Entwicklungsplan für große Karrieren begann, hat sich zu einem desaströsen Kontrollwahn ausgeweitet. Unser Beitrag für den Blog/Creating Corporate Culture der Bertelsmann Stiftung
Dear Ambitious! Great leaders are not coaches of their employees. With their ambition, they give orientation. Employees assume responsibility for their own careers. We are with you, Dorothea Assig +Dorothee Echter
your open mind
Dear ambitious, there are no new opportunities. There is your open mind that is able to detect them. Detecting them means creating them.We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
top managers with a great idea
Dear ambitious, top managers with a great idea want to hear this „tell me more“ by their investors and board members. It is generated by appreciation, not by explanation. We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
How can top managers create a culture of innovation, of top performance, of trust? How can they win approval, allegiance, followers?
What happens when entrepreneurs or CEOs want to make a „clear statement“ to their employees? The sickness rate is too high. The efforts of the investors to keep production in Europe are not rewarded by the workers. The cost situation in Romania or Mexico would be so much more favourable … Obviously they want to
Your ambition starts anew every day.
Dear ambitious! Do you know this? You do your job, passionately, for many years, but still, you feel you are a beginner? Yes, you are a beginner. A founder. A pioneer. A learner. Your ambition starts anew every day. We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
Dear ambitious! Did you ever think about celebrating your successes as a manager? Just do it, don`t wait. Invite business friends and partners and share your pleasure of being successful. You think it may be a bit showy? We know, most of the time you are too modest anyway. Your guests will enjoy it. All
sustainable influence
Dear ambitious! We know, if you are in top-management, travelling and communicating digitally takes most of your time. The really important matters require face to face contact. Only personal contact creates sustainable influence. We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
relationship building
Dear ambitious, one lunch with other executives of other companies – only one – is more effective for your carreer than 100 posts in 100 networks. Start today with inviting two, three of your business friends for lunch. Or four of them? Even five? We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Dear ambitious! What do we mean by the friends-of-friends-with-friends dynamic? Be curious about the friends of your business friends. If you invite your community, allow friends of friends to come. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter