19. Januar 2020
Dear Ambitious! Train your ability to stay focussed. Your focus gives orientation to others, whether you are aware of it or not. The company will inevitably move into the direction of your focus. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
social media
11. Januar 2020
Dear Ambitious! For top league executives, a social media network must be a tool for trustful, exclusive, confidential, personal communication, e.g. to stay in contact with each other after a conference or common holiday. We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
Resonance loops
2. Januar 2020
Dear Ambitious! Inspiration, passion, spirit, confidence, optimism – it`s useless just to have it. It is powerful if there is resonance. Create resonance loops. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter