Dear Ambitious! Forget leadership tools. Give orientation with your ambition. Win followers. Build warm relationships and a top management community. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Interview für ZEIT online
Für ZEIT ONLINE hat uns der Wirtschaftsjournalist Jakob von Lindern (geb. Struller) interviewt: Was tun, wenn einen Kollegen und Vorgesetzte plötzlich meiden? Wie kommt man durch eine Krise – und wann sollte man selbst kündigen? Direkt zum Interview: www.zeit.de
Ambitious companies need ambitious personalities. They take away anything that withdraws ambition: Bonus systems, assessment centers, performance controls, rankings and evaluations.
Avoid distractions.
Dear Ambitious! A great career requires concentration and discipline. Avoid distractions. As research tells us, it is not possible to multi-task. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Change the world.
Dear Ambitious! A great career starts with an irresistable desire to change the world at one particular point. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter