27. März 2020
Dear Ambitious, in this memorable spring of 2020, solutions are growing exponentially, too. Goodbye micro-management, hello freedom for all ambitious managers. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter

the effortless power of top managers in a crisis
20. März 2020
Dear Ambitous! This is the effortless power of top managers in a crisis: Be the model for change yourself. http://www.assigundechter.de/newsletter/2020-03-02-EN.htm We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter

9. März 2020
Dear Ambitous! For top-managers, there is no quality you can measure as distinctly „better“ or „worse“. There is a purpose on earth for each top-manager to be the best. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter