In welche Richtung führt Sie der Corona-Strudel?
In einem Gastbeitrag für den WirtschaftsWoche-Blog von Claudia Tödtmann, einen der wichtigsten Management-Blogs, wenn nicht den bedeutsamsten, schreiben wir: Während die Theorien blühen über „the end of this and the beginning of that“, gestalten Sie die Wirtschaft mit, – neu. Frau Tödtmann hat mit der großartigen Überschrift unserem Text einen besonderen Twist gegeben: Manager im
True authentic ambition
Dear ambitious, How can executives of established companies transform their business? If this is their true authentic ambition, it`s easy, others will follow. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Auch Lösungen wachsen exponentiell.
Klugheit kennt keine Panik. Und auch keine Horrorszenarien. Sie sind Krisen gewohnt, Sie haben Krisen gemanagt. Das ist Ihr Topmanagement Modus. Jetzt, in dieser Ausnahmesituation, wird alles gebraucht, was Sie können, was Sie an Talent, Wissen und Lebenserfahrung besitzen. Das hat Sie zu der Person gemacht, die Sie heute sind. Sie können Großes in der
Ambitious companies need ambitious personalities. They take away anything that withdraws ambition: Bonus systems, assessment centers, performance controls, rankings and evaluations.
Dear Ambitious! Train your ability to stay focussed. Your focus gives orientation to others, whether you are aware of it or not. The company will inevitably move into the direction of your focus. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
success shock
Dear ambitious, Nobel prize winners may suffer a success shock. The other listed persons may feel deeply disappointed. Each needs psychic discipline. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter
Dear Ambitious! Great leaders are not coaches of their employees. With their ambition, they give orientation. Employees assume responsibility for their own careers. We are with you, Dorothea Assig +Dorothee Echter
your open mind
Dear ambitious, there are no new opportunities. There is your open mind that is able to detect them. Detecting them means creating them.We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
Your ambition starts anew every day.
Dear ambitious! Do you know this? You do your job, passionately, for many years, but still, you feel you are a beginner? Yes, you are a beginner. A founder. A pioneer. A learner. Your ambition starts anew every day. We are with you, Dorothea Assig + Dorothee Echter
AI will impact your leadership style
This is a topic of deep research by ECSI Consulting, which is led by Alessandro Di Fiore. They interviewed us for their great blog – thanks a lot for your appreciation and for allowing us to reflect AI & Leadership in a completely new way:“ECSI recently sat down in Munich to discuss AI and leadership
who you are
Dear ambitious, remember who you are. Remember what your ambition is. We are with you, Dorothea Assig and Dorothee Echter